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Quote1 As if the fauna around Astara wasn't bad enough, the flora can be worse. Even the plants can kick your butt around here. You can spot the strange Flemblossoms by their colorful leaves and their tendency to heave up and down right before they spit out a glob of searing plasma. Plasma that can kill you if you get hit too many times. After each shower, the blossoms gurgle up another round -- that would be a good time to get the hell away. At least two different varieties of Flemblossoms are known to exist, possibly each has a slightly different attack. Quote2
Official manual
A Flemblossom as it appears at night.


Dark Yabu's minion




Yellow pistil with purple petals and a green peduncle

Level of difficulty:


Flemblossoms area kind of flower that shoots plasma. There are two types of Flemblossoms. The first type appears in Timberdale, shooting plasma upwards. A longer, more flexible type is found later on, in The Neverglades, which has a longer range and shoots plasma at a straight line. They only require one hit to be killed and can easily be avoided.


Flemblossoms appear as typical plants. They have purple petals with white spots on the edge. They have a bright yellow pistil in the middle, as well as a green peduncle.
